In the state of Florida, a minimum level for auto insurance is required to legally register and drive a vehicle. However, the minimum amount required for legal compliance is far from satisfactory when you consider the risks of driving while underinsured.
Radiant Insurance Agency offers access to auto insurance policies that not only ensure you are compliant with state law, but provide protection for yourself, your family, and others when you are on the road.
We work with top auto insurance carriers in Florida to provide the following coverages. A Radiant agent can help you determine what types and levels of coverage you need.
PIP coverage pays for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers in your vehicle. Florida law requires you carry at least $10,000 of this type of coverage, but keep in mind that if costs for medical payments exceed that amount, that you can be sued for the remainder.
PIP coverage pays for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers in your vehicle. Florida law requires you carry at least $10,000 of this type of coverage, but keep in mind that if costs for medical payments exceed that amount, that you can be sued for the remainder.
PIP coverage pays for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers in your vehicle. Florida law requires you carry at least $10,000 of this type of coverage, but keep in mind that if costs for medical payments exceed that amount, that you can be sued for the remainder.
This coverage pays for collision damage to your vehicle, and while not required by law, is often required by loan issuers if your vehicle is leased or financed. Collision coverage typically has a deductible which can be adjusted along with your premium.
This coverage reimburses you for losses caused by anything other than a collision between your vehicle and another vehicle, a person, or an object. This can include theft, fire, vandalism, hitting an animal, being hit by flying rocks or debris, and so on. Comprehensive coverage will carry a deductible for most types of damage. Common comprehensive coverage auto claims are for cracked or shattered windshields (which may not require a deductible).
PIP coverage pays for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers in your vehicle. Florida law requires you carry at least $10,000 of this type of coverage, but keep in mind that if costs for medical payments exceed that amount, that you can be sued for the remainder.
What auto coverages are available?
Your Radiant Insurance Agency representative can help you figure out the right types and amounts of coverage to keep you protected.